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Newsgroups: comp.lang.c++,comp.lang.c,comp.std.c
Path: blackbush.xlink.net!slsv6bt!slsv6bt!kanze
From: kanze@lts.sel.alcatel.de (James Kanze US/ESC 60/3/141 #40763)
Subject: Re: Hungarian notation
In-Reply-To: seebs@solutions.solon.com's message of 27 Jan 1996 03:18:15 -0600
Message-ID: <KANZE.96Jan29124454@slsvewt.lts.sel.alcatel.de>
Sender: news@lts.sel.alcatel.de
Organization: SEL
References: <30C40F77.53B5@swsbbs.com> <JSA.96Jan26175507@organon.com>
<4eco1g$aih@fountain.mindlink.net> <4ecqkn$p1t@solutions.solon.com>
Date: 29 Jan 1996 11:44:54 GMT
In article <4ecqkn$p1t@solutions.solon.com> seebs@solutions.solon.com
(Peter Seebach) writes:
|> In article <4eco1g$aih@fountain.mindlink.net>,
|> Gene Wirchenko <genew@mindlink.bc.ca> wrote:
|> >>I claim that ISO requires that an implementation actually do
|> >>such a conversion. The implementor may choose the mapping. Beside
|> >>the usual throwing away of high order bits, possibilities include
|> >>always using the value 0, or the largest possible value for the new
|> >>type, or, even, a random value.
|> > Implementation defined means implementation defined, not what you
|> >want it to mean. I agree that your interpretation sets out reasonable
|> >actions that might be performed. Please quote chapter and verse on
|> >where the Standard states that implementation defined actions must be
|> >"reasonable" (whatever the hell that is <G>).
|> Ahh, but there is the key.
|> My understanding (and I believe this is Mike's point) is that there is
|> a different between implementation defined *BEHAVIOR* and an implementation
|> defined *RESULT*.
|> My understanding is that integer conversions are an implementation
|> defined *RESULT*. No other *behavior* is allowed - the semantics do
|> not imply or show any.
|> However, given something where the *result* is implementation defined, I
|> would expect that no unexpected *behavior* was allowed.
Well, I suppose I would argue that getting a signal in such a case
would be the expected behavior, so there is still no unexpected
In fact, given the difference in wording between this and
floating-point conversions, I fear that the committee did intend to
ban reasonable behavior in this case.
|> > What if the conversion results in overflow?
|> This is actually a legitimate question; if conversion is taken to be
|> an operation, then the previously pointed out limit on all arithmetic
|> ops comes into play, and we have full-fleged *undefined behavior* -
|> easily enough to format a disk with.
This would almost seem to forbid the check in an implicit conversion,
but allow it in an explicit one (cast *operator*):-).
James Kanze Tel.: (+33) 88 14 49 00 email: kanze@gabi-soft.fr
GABI Software, Sarl., 8 rue des Francs-Bourgeois, F-67000 Strasbourg, France
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